
2024 Mt. Fuji 100 Race Recap

One week ago, I set off on another 100 mile date with Mt. Fuji 100 mile, aka Ultra Trail Mt. Fuji. It was my second trip to Japan after finishing the race as well in 2023. The previous year was a three year wait as I was supposed to run the race in April 2020, but we all know what happened there. A short recap of 2023's race is that it was a major learning experience of Japanese trail running culture and for the race itself,  I puked so much and dug deep for an 18th place finish for first American in 23:33. Here's a very well done video of the 2023 race here . Back to the present, I arrived in Japan on April 20th after a full day of travel and navigated a near flawless airport to hotel trip using the extensive and incredible train system that Japan has. The only slight debacle I had was I accidentally put the wrong hotel address I was staying at with my former coworker and friend, Dylan and was so confused when he wasn't there or checked in. Realizing I was at the wrong loc

2024 HURT 100- Race Report

HURT 2024: An experiment with OFM and putting all the pieces together on how a 100 miler can go so well. This year's race was something special and I am still trying to wrap my head around it. This was my third time racing HURT after two other finishes in 2019 and 2022 that didn’t live up to my expectations or goals, this one was sweet. 3rd time was the charm but not without a few major changes and hiccups leading up to the race. Before diving into the race, let’s rewind first. About a month ago, I started diving into more nutrition podcasts and really wanting to fix my fueling strategy and gut distress during l00 mile races. I am notorious for the "puke and rally" after about 50 miles and depending on the race from eating too many gels/carbs. So I went into research mode. How/what are folks that I know like Jeff Browning, Peter Mortimer, Zach Bitter doing what they’re doing and staying consistent?  I listened to so many podcast in this past month leading up to HURT and a

UTMB 2023 Race Recap

UTMB Race Recap- September 1, 2023 Chamonix, Mont Blanc, France 106 miles (170km) and 33,,000 feet of vert (10000m) The "Tour de France" of Ultra running: Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc. A week long festival of races. It’s where the best of the best ultra runners come at the end of the summer to showcase all the hard work of training in the mountains and endless vert racked up.   It was my first time in Chamonix after many years dating back to 2015 when I first started following the race from the States and through online media. This year was historical. UTMB was celebrating its 20th Anniversary. I always have wanted to make my way over the Atlantic to run the 100+ mile race and I finally got my qualifier (running stones) from Puerto Vallarta Mexico by UTMB 100M last October 2022. The Journey to UTMB: Fast forward to 2023, it was a very hard winter in Colorado with lots of snow running. I got hurt and rolled my ankle and then tried to run Bandera 100K in January trying to chase a